1945 Draper High School Class
Row 1 (left to right) Margaret McDaniel, Margie Hodge, Margaret Cochran, Hazel Kirkman, Betty Ellis, Anne Ashworth, Jacqueline Carter, Mac Baker.
Row 2 (left to right) Anna Sommerville, Teacher; Marceline Pruitt, Audrey Ray, Lucille Kennon, Betty Hall, Henry Martin, Lamont Garrett, H. J. Christley.
Row 3 (left to right) Mickey Cochran, Olivia Walker, Dottie Loy, Ruth Hall, Elree Hopkins, Eria Hanks, June Harriss, Melvin Howell.
Row 4 (left to right) Bill Jarrett, Ronald Chambers, Arnold Lefew, Elred Cherry, Sammy Gilbert, Lenora Cochran, Lane Sartin, Dillard Blackwell, Jeanette Jefferies.
(Photo and information submitted by Herman Searcy)