Leaksville, North Carolina in 2002
Click on images for larger view
1-3 Downtown Leaksville photos (Washington Street), taken taken from the same place as the March 1953 photo.
4- Dick's Drive-In
5- Burton Grove School
in New Leaksville
6- Lakeside School in Spray
7- Circle Drive-In (Spray)
8- Leaksville Moravian
Church, located on 712 McConnell Avenue, completed in 1929.
9- Washington Street looking toward Stoneville
Click on images for larger view
10- Spray Traffic Circle (Click here
to see the same scene in 1953)
11- Sealtest
12- Former location of the Sealtest
13- Towne Apartments, formerly Tri-City Hospital.
14- This is the corner where the Leaksville
Restaurant and Dining Room once stood.
15- King Memorial Baptist
Church in New Leaksville.
16- St. Luke's Episcopal in North Spray,
known for years as the "Rock Church".
17- Former location of
the Colonial Theater on Washington Street in Leaksville.
18- The old YMCA
and later Boys' Club in New Leaksville.
for page two of the 2002 photos...