The good Bastille shadowed the land and the people--- Some shadows were cold Like winter shadows Which block the sun, Many were warm Like summer shadows Which cool on a Thick August afternoon. The good Bastille was a Babel of harmony built With the sweat Of men and women Who grabbed at the American Dream. I shall bypass the Dantons, And Robespierres of this Heroic tale, instead I shall paint bold strokes of other heroes. Like Emory, who breathed Thick, white snowflakes For 48 years... Is that heroic?
Or Claude Tucker, who Walked a mile to work everyday for 30 years. Isn't that a hero? Or Saucy, or Dolly, Or those in Leaksville Or Spray, or Draper Who fought--still fight Heroic battles! When the revolutionaries Stormed the Good Bastille They found no prisoners.
Photos: Fieldcrest Mills, Spray Cotton Mills