Mildred Rakestraw Hopper's Scrapbook: Kathlyn DeHart
Miss DeHart is wed to John Burks
In a simple but pretty wedding Sunday morning, December 24, at seven o'clock at the North Spray Christian church, Miss Kathlyn DeHart became the bride of John Burks. Rev. D. G. Saunders, pastor, performed the ceremony before relatives and close friends of the couple.
The vows were spoken before an altar fashioned in green and white with tall branched candelabra holding lighted white tapers, Prior to the wedding, a program of nuptial music was given by Mrs. Kathleen Hopkins, pianist, and Miss Annie Mary Saunders, and Louis Uden, soloists.
The candles were lighted by Jesse Dehart, Jr.., brother of the bride and Jesse Porter.
To the strains of the bridal chorus from "Lohengrin" the bride and bridegroom entered together. The bride was becomingly attired in suit of crushed berry with matching accessories. She wore a shoulder corsage of orchids and lilies of the valley. For the bridal trip, she added a. matching swagger length coat.After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Burks left for a brief wedding trip and upon their return will reside in the home of the groom's mother.
Mrs. Burks, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse DeHart, has always lived in Spray and was educated in the Leaksville schools. She is active in church work being a leader in most of the young people's organizations. She holds a position in the offices of Marshall Field & Company. Mr. Burks, eldest son of Mrs. Benjamin Burks and the late Mr. Burks, attended the Leaksville schools and since his graduation has been employed at the J. Porter Store in Spray.