are two Bill Knights who have contributed to this website. I’m
probably the older of the two (b 1939).
I enjoy the site very much.
402 0701
I'm a transplant from Reidsville. My mother's family lived in
I so enjoy learning about the town through the old pictures.
Cindy Shelton
my name is Ruth Ward Close. I grew up in the Leaksville section on Irving
house I grew up in is boarded up. I have a lot of good memories
have lived in Eden all my life. I remember so many of the buildings that
are in the photos
went to Leaksville Graded School
I graduated in 1972.. Things have changed over the years. I am
glad there is a site about Leaksville
To sign the
Leaksville Guestbook. Just moved here, the 1st of March, after spending 67 yrs
in GSO. I'm loving it!
Annette Wood
Signing the guestbook!
Beth Williams
Hello, I found this site while doing research on my grandmother. She was
Elizabeth Hill Colvin but everyone called her Dee. She had the Tri-City
Florist on Bridge Street. If there is anyone that might remember her and would
like to share your thoughts, I'd really like to hear from you.
Debbie Colvin
My Mother , now 97 was born in Leaksville. She is Sarah Frances Barksdale (Mack). I just found your web site and am now taking a trip down memory lane.
George Mack
Richard Nance
This is Richard Nance, just signing in, thanks....
Elrin Hundley
My dad, Elmo (Pete) Hundley, and grandfather, Jesse James Hundley, were from Leaksville. My mom, Molly Finch Hundley, taught at Burton Grove.
My dad, Oliver Patrick (Pat) Watson was from Leaksville. He had two brothers Barney and Calvin. I only remember once going to Leaksville to visit my grandmother when I was little. Bell Watson – I look very much like her. I remember my parents talking about the name of the town changing back in the 60’s. I would love to reconnect with anyone that may have known my father.
Patty Watson
Columbus, GA
Donald D. Smith
Does anyone remember a little girl that lived in corky's moble home park
next to corkys her name was wendy? i would like her to get in touch with me.
candy bateman Cb6013282@aol.com
Hello everyone. I'm the webmaster for Leaksville.com. I was born in
Leaksville in 1952, and currently am living near Myrtle Beach, SC. If
you have anything that you think would be appropriate to add to this site,
please e-mail me at kenny@leaksville.com.
This could include photos, local information, oral history, or even amusing
anecdotes you might like to add.
Thank you,
Kenny Carter
Got your web site from Lowell Hatcher, loved browsing
all the old pictures, brought back some great memories,The spray ymca and
the Leaksville Boys Club
(my 2nd Homes) were great. I LIVED BESIDE
Jim Kallam graduated tri city high 1955. Love to hear from others.
Jim k
Margie Belcher [mflatfooter@swva.net]
sir. of
all the pictures thats on leaksville.com,,,there,s one important one
that old two man jail house,
that used to sit in the parking lot of the old blanket mill.
c.w. bailey
I am still around and graduated from Tri-City HS in 1955. Leaksville no longer exists except in the form of a Ghost Town. Makes me sick every time I go thru downtown Leaksville, remembering how it was the BOOM TOWN when I was growing up. I am sure a lot of you remember if you are old enough.
Vicki Black Holland born in Leaksville in 1955.
Mother: Earlene Buckner Black
Father : Shirley Richard Black
Karen AGEE Byrd (Draper), Morehead Class of 1967
Does anybody have pictures or articles on Spooky
Hollow/Buffalo Beach? It started out as a Boy Scout swimming pool in in
1925. Then there was a Dnace Hall there which was shut down by Judge Lane in
1939 and then reopened later on as aa a night spot operated by Roberts
Earles who had a clothing store downtown Leaksville. In 1933 there was auto
wreck there that killed Gladys Odell. I would guess this is where Spooky
Hollow came to known. It is said that at night a young girl could be seen
thumbing there. I passed there many times late at night in the late 50's and
early 60's and I have not seen her yet. The night spot burned down sometime
after December 1961.
John T. Dallas
Greensboro, N.C.
I grew up in Shiloh, but spent a lot of time in the "Tri-cities" Mom grew up on Glovenia St and Dad work for Karastan for 52 years. I have lived in Biloxi, Miss for the past 50 years but manage to get back home every few years. Still the charming town I loved.
enjoyed the site. I was born
in �43 and roamed Leaksville and Spray growing up like it was my back
yard. My sister (Betty Jo
Rogers) graduated from Leaksville High 48-49 year and played basketball.
I remember all her friends from the time I was 4.
When I was in Jr. High I couldn�t wait to get to the high
school to play for Ray Rhodes and doggone if he didn�t leave for a
job with the state the year before I got there.
Really miss the Tri-cities. We
were lucky to have grown up there. My
dad George Rogers was manager of Colonial
Stores while I was growing up and mother Myrtle worked at Allens Dept.
store and later went with Belks until she was 83.
Spent hours on the site. A
lot of memories. Thanks to
you and everyone who had anything to do with the site.
Clarence � Rod�
e-mail mikede@mchsi.com
i was out of high school almost 13 years before i went to college and you will never guess what my major was---- math! i want bore you with the details of my life , but my chosen professions as a professional golfer, commercial pilot and flight instructor would have never happened if it had not been for this great lady. i and all the other "moreheadites" that had her in our lives are " most richly blest".
gary�mc�bride -head golf
class a member
pga of america
danville golf club, danville ,va.
Administrative and Mentoring Assistant
Helping Services for Northeast Iowa, Inc.
P.O. Box 372
Decorah, Iowa 52101
My great grandfather, Dr. John Booker May, and my great-great
grandfather, Dr. John Wilson May, had a farmstead near Stoneville before
the Civil War. John Booker May was born May 2, 1842 in Leaksville, and
his father, John Wilson May, was born January 29, 1816, also in
Leaksville. My earlier May ancestors, Robert Booker May (1787-1855), was
born near Leaksville; and John May (1757-1844), who was supposedly the
first sheriff of Rockingham County, his commission signed by Gov.
Caswell February 1, 1786, was also a member of the first Constitutional
Convention in 1788 and an officer in the Revolutionary War.
Have you heard of the old burial ground known as �Wesley
Chapel?� John May (1757-1844) and James Hunter May (1802-1846),
also a doctor, are supposed to be buried there. My brother will be
visiting the area in February, and it would be great to know where that
burial site is. My great uncle visited the area in 1940, and at that
time he spoke with Albert Wray who lived on the old May homestead during
the years 1925-1940.
Thank you for your work to maintain the historical records of the area.
If there is any further information I can provide, please let me know.
What a great website for those of us from Leaksville.....I was born and raised there (class of 62) and will always call Leaksville home.
Ken Meeks
Ken WhiteUserEmail:
USAJim Nelson
NebraskaCountry: USA
My name is Jim Nelson, jnelson311@msn.com,
Born and raised in Leaksville, graduated in 1961. Usaf
62-66, lived in
I was given this
website by a classmate from
I have many fond memories growing up in Leaksville and graduating from Leaksvile High School in 1938. My husband played baseball with Leaksville after attending Elon College - where I met him. We left Leaksville in 1946 and moved to Asheboro where my husband was employedby Acme McCrary Co. My brother, Bill Armfield was the first mayor of Eden . I return to Eden occasionally to see my classmates.
Elizabeth Armfield Hobson
Really enjoyed your Leaksville website, it
really brought back a lot of great childhood memories.
I lived in Leaksville during the late
50�s and early 60�s with my father, sister and brothers
on Prospect Ave, attended Burton Grove and was a member of
King Memorial Baptist Church and played at the Leaksville
Boys Club.
I earned my first dollar @ 14 yo in
Leaksville, working on Saturday�s in Bill Martin�s Shoe
Shop on Washington Street( Mr. Martin was our neighbor and we
drove to work in his 1949 Studebaker coupe).
While living in Leaksville during 1963,
President Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, TX. they made the
announcement over the school intercom system and let us out of
school early that day. I also recall coming home from church the
following Sunday and watching on TV the assassination of Lee
Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby.
Leaksville will always hold a special place
for me.
Thanks so much for the great trip down memory
Dennis Barnes
Dallas, TX
Roger Eichholz
Matt JohnsonI so enjoy this website. I wish more people would ad pictures!!!
My father was "Wink" Winfred William Wilson, my grandfater Leonard William Wilson, Great Grandfather David Wilson, Grandmother Myrtle Rose Campbell, her parents James Henry Campbell and Alfia Elizbeth Sands. Kin to the Batemans also. Please email me if any of these names are familiar. Leonard, Seward, Raymond, Dennis, Eugene, Annie Wilson. Myrtle, Agnes, Edna, Mozella or Zella, Eula, Ruby, James or Spot, Eddie, Ella Campbell
Hi, I'm Patricia Seay,
granddaughter of Jesse Gray Seay and Dove Pugh who resided in Leaksville, NC
and in Danville (Schoolfield), Virginia. Jesse was a photographer by trade.
After Dove Pugh passed, he married Carrar Via Hubbard and resided on
"A" street in Leaksville in quite a large house. As they advanced
in age, they built a smaller home behind the original house and resided
there with Carrar's son - Obie Hubbard - until both passed.
Jesse Gray Seay was the son of Edward Thomas Seay and Mildred Gilley who
resided in Leaksville, NC.
I am actively doing geneology research on the Seay's and would appreciate
any tips of where I could obtain birth, death, and marriage records on
Jesse, Dove, Carrar, Edward and Millie. Do you, by chance, have any tips on
where I can get this information? Does Leaksville have any archived
birth/death files? If so, where can I write for this information?
My Mother Caroline Clay Henson was born in 1909 in Leaksville to Nannie Tinsley Norman and John Walker Henson. Any information about these people would be greatly appreciated. Also, I had a cousin that I visited in the area (early 1950�s) named Janet Wilson her mother�s name was Esther or Clay Wilson. They had a farm, and as children we used to visit and put one foot in VA and one foot in NC!! I would love to locate this long lost cousin, she would most probably be in her 70�s, if still alive. Thank you for any help you can give me.
Hi. I was just visiting the website for Leaksville, at the encouragement of my cousin, Malcom Baker, who lives in LaBelle, FL.
There is a photo of my family submitted by Michelle Lee Grant, my first cousin once removed, of Dr. W.S. and Odessa Janney Crouch and family.
This is my father and mother and my sister and I as young children. I will enjoy perusing the site further to investigate family connections as my daddy was from Spray and my mother was from Leaksville.
Thank you for the information you have thus far compiled and the opportunity to share and enjoy it.
Yours truly,
Rebekah Crouch Covell, Ph.D.
9:22 PM February 4, 2008
Ann Arbor, MichiganCountry:
12:03 AM January 1, 2008I came across your website through a Google search, and it is
magnificent! I was born in the Leaksville General Hospital in 1950 and
spent most of my first six or seven years in Leaksville. My grandfather,
Ira Craddock, was on the Leaksville police force, and I have heard many
stories about me spending time with him in the Leaksville and Spray
police stations when I was little. I was excited to find two photos of
him on the site (he died in 1967.) My grandmother and my dad both worked
in the Karastan mill, on different shifts, and I am told that one would
leave me in the guard shack and the other would pick me up during the
shift change. My grandparents lived on Irving Avenue and I fondly recall
going to the movies on The Boulevard when I was little. My mom and dad
are still in Eden -- Dad is 91 and Mom is 88, and I am sure they will
know a lot of the people in the photos. I can't wait to show them to
them the next time I am down there. Thank you so much for this website!
Gary Hayden
Ann Arbor, Michigan
9:41 PM
Born in Leaksville 1939 @ Leaksville General Hospital
Lived on Bridge St.
Attended Leaksville Graded School grades 1-4
Leaksville Junior High grade 8
Many happy memories of growing up in Leaksville
Dorothy (Dot) Booth Bush, Class of
Home Page URL:
31 October 2007
6:21 PM
Home Page URL:
10 October 2007
9:32 PM
Intrigued to discover the existence of Leaksville whilst doing a Google search on one of my books. I've no idea whether your founder was a forebear of mine, but it's nice to have a town named after oneself anyway!
I've always wanted to colour in some of the space between New York and San Francisco, and the prospect of a visit to Leaksville is an added incentive.
Kindest regards
John Leak
12:20 PM
An interesting site. I was born in Leaksville in 1947 at the old general hospital. My father was a doctor in Leaksville and my family was involved in the Pace-Stone Furniture Company. I live in Wilmington, moved here in January of 1949. My parents, my grandparents on both sides,
An aunt and an Uncle are all buried in Lawson Cemetery at the marker PACE. My father was Dr. Samuel E. Pace and my Uncle was Henry C. Pace, Jr. I have an aunt, Elizabeth Pace that lives in Leaksville today and her son, William F. Pace and his wife Susan. Many years ago, my Grandfather on my Mother�s side, David J. Moore was editor of the Leaksville News.
Sincerely yours,
Joseph B. Pace
Wilmington, NC
Chris Sprinkle
cspri12851@aol.com or chris.sprinkle@hanesbrands.com
Eden, NC
Home Page URL:
18 May 2007
10:18:09 PM
Lennie Griffin
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
6:53:09 AM
Monday, April 9, 2007
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Hi ,
Wow ..talk about taking me back . Great site .
Dave Shropshire
Danny W Bolick
March 9, 2007
Robbie & Tatia Patterson
February 16, 2007
Monday, January 01, 2007
happy new year everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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